Do you find yourself struggling with more difficult situations in healthcare? Things like: poor prognosis because of cancer, death and dying, compassion fatigue, not knowing what to do with palliative or hospice recommendations?

That's why I created The Humanist PT. We offer continuing education courses that provide you with both clinical and non-clinical content to help you with these situations. As an oncology specialist, I worked hard to make this content relevant, useful, and meaningful to you as a clinician.

These complex situations are never easy, but you can learn to manage them.

Let us help YOU - You're only human, after all.

Hi, I'm Laura, your Humanist PT.

I took a non-traditional approach into physical therapy. I worked as a paralegal, majored in business, and then took the wild turn into healthcare about ten years ago.

I have practiced physical therapy in Colorado and New Mexico. I specialize in oncology, but have worked with patients with all kinds of conditions and impairments.

But what I really love is teaching.

Let me show you what I've learned along the way. Hopefully you can feel a little lighter in your heart when you finish our courses, and take that with you to your next patient encounter.

I'm so glad you're here!

Combine the science of medicine with the art of caring.